Chiropractors are experts in the neuromusculoskeletal area of the body. We are a drug-less healing art. Treatment is directed at restoring function, not just relaxing your muscles and covering up pain. We take your injury seriously and try to prevent chronic symptoms.
Blue Cross Blue Shield and the Rand Corporation, under the auspices of the United States Healthcare Policy and Research community, found that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication and spinal manipulation were the two best treatments for acute lower back pain.
Spinal adjustment or manipulation of the spine promotes joint motion during the healing process. Our objective is to promote joint function during the healing processes so that when you are completely healed, you are healed with normal range of motion and normal joint function. Healing without joint function means that you will have limited motion forever.
Since the paraspinal tissues, including ligaments and muscles, are injured in a sprain/strain type injury, promoting strength and endurance is key in preventing chronic and recurrent symptoms. Oftentimes a burning pain in the paraspinal muscles of the neck or back occurs from poor oxygenation in the Type I postural muscles or endurance muscles. Athletes get reconditioned and rehabilitated after an injury so the condition goes away permanently.
Rehabilitating the spine promotes increased strength, increased endurance, and increased circulation. Rehabilitation of the spine also causes better joint position sense, increased tensile strength in the ligaments, and increased joint stability. Most of all, rehabilitation decreases fear avoidance behavior and increases confidence in movement. Rehabilitation promotes normal movement patterns. There is no pill, lotion, or potion that can stress the body in a good way to make a change from the inside out. Only exercise or good stress can make the body change. Understanding the injury from a pathophysiologic point of view is paramount in restoring function and preventing recurring and chronic pain.